Advanced C Programming (Problem Solving and Data Structure using C)

Advanced C Programming (Problem Solving and Data Structure using C)

Course Code:


Course Duration:

100 hours

Course Delivery:

70 hours


08 hours

Project Work:

22 hours


This course imparts Problem Solving Skills in the participants using the programming language C. The course is crafted to help the participants in identifying the best solution for a given problem. Participants will be exposed to the implementation of various Data Structures using C programming language. Different kinds of data structures are suited to different kinds of applications, and some are highly specialized to specific tasks. The participants will be able to identify a better data structure that stores and organizes data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently in any given scenario and solve problems.

Pre-requisite Knowledge/Skills

  • Basic knowledge in C Programming

Course Objective

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Derive solutions for the given problems using decision making and branching concepts
  • Utilize the best of the inbuilt functions for various input and output operations.
  • Implement the concept of arrays.
  • Implement problem solving skills using pointer concept of the programming languages.
  • Work efficiently with files using the programming languages.
  • Efficiently use data structures for problem solving.
  • Learn the functions of Structures and Unions
  • Understand the features of Stacks and Queues.
  • Analyze the various types of Linked List.
  • Know the different kinds of trees and their representations.
  • Understand the creation, traversal and representation of graphs.

Course Outline

The contents of this course are designed to support the course objectives. The following focus areas are included in this course:

  • Module 1: Overview of C
  • Module 2: Managing Input and Output Operations
  • Module 3: Decision Making and Branching
  • Module 4: Arrays and Strings
  • Module 5: Pointers
  • Module 6: File Management
  • Module 7: Structures and Unions
  • Module 8: Stacks and Queues
  • Module 9: Linked Lists
  • Module 10: Trees
  • Module 11: Graphs

Project Work

Participants are required to do a project work as a part of the program. Project work should be in accordance with the project specifications provided by ICT Academy in consultation with the industry. The project work should be done in groups, with 4 or 5 participants in a group.

Course Deliverables

For Faculty

  • Course Material
  • Course Slides
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Student Exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Certification from ICT Academy

For Student

  • Course Material
  • Orientation session by ICT Academy / Industry Experts
  • Exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Online Assessment
  • Certification from ICT Academy