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- Digital Literacy Program - BCC - Training & Assessment 2014 - Govt ITI
In Tamil Nadu there are about 62 government ITIs from which 13500 students graduate every year. These ITI students are nowadays placed in many leading Multinational companies not only in India but also worldwide. Computer literacy is crucial for improving the professional competencies of the ITI students, and thus for their success. To prepare students for life and work in an ICT dominated environment, it is necessary to develop educational programs that comprise computer skills acquisition. ICT Academy works closely with these institutions to help them develop their students on digital literacy. The digital literacy skills include the skills to use digital tools to support vocational and professional development.
ICT Academy is an approved training body in the state of Tamil Nadu. Based on the approval, ICT Academy has done a massive training program on Basic Computer Course for 13500 students in Government ITI across Tamil Nadu.ICT Academy is also conducting computer based online assessments on BCC Course for the students in the Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) in the state of Tamil Nadu. This assessment is conducted both for private (on request) and Government ITI. BCC examination is a computer based online assessment, conducted through ICT Academy online assessment portal. The assessment is conducted at ICT Academy campus or the respective institutions or at district wise ICT Academy Skill Development and Assessment Centers. These centers are common examination centers where the students from the ITI(s) those who do not have necessary computer labs & internet facilities will be assessed. ICT Academy has assessed and certified 13500 students so far and is projected to assess more than 20000 students every year from 2013-14. After completing this course the ITI students are recognized in all leading MNC and are internationally accepted. Through this Digital Literacy Program these students are able to meet the industry demands. After the training programs the students 'capacity to work in a digital environment enhances and thus the students become optimistic towards their career. This not only benefits the students but also improves their entire family and the society in which they live.
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